In spite of what the rightwingnuts say

about climate change being a hoax, we just had the earliest EVER 80 degree day in the Denver area, today, (and broke the old record by 6 degrees) after the most EVER 70 degree days in Feb. Yup, FOXNews, (brought to you by the Koch bros), will deny it, while Rush and Sean laugh at the Libs, BUT, over 97% of actual climate scientists say it's real.
Wow I'm shocked to find out that Bullshit Mountain lies to the sheep, to support the Repub agenda. The rest of us avoid FOXLies and get 'real news', instead of just a preconceived narrative, designed to 'Elect Repubs'. What a concept! Excuse me while I sweat, here in Colorado in early March, while Lardass Limbaugh assures the sheep it's all a hoax. Since they OBVIOUSLY lie about climate change, you think they MIGHT lie about other stuff? Never mind, the sheep don't care, and non-sheep don't listen to their crap.


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