Just so there's no question,

I have absolutely no problem with spirituality or people who find comfort in religion, cuz I am a seeker, who's gone back and forth, but always looking for the truth, though I AM sure that the Bible isn't 100% literally true, and I'm not sure why anyone would think it has to be, cuz it was written by men, and men are fallible. What I can't stand is those who take advantage of believers, and play them like a well-tuned instrument, (esp Karl Rove and the entire FOX crew), who use carefully crafted messages to keep the sheep permanently riled, in an effort to get them to vote Republican. Bottom line, it's a strategy that's been VERY successful and they sure aren't gonna change.  Sleazy and slimy, but VERY successful, as the Pubs recognized a HUGE voting block and craft their message accordingly. Genius....


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