The Pubs are scrambling

and the propaganda factory at Bullshit Mountain is working overtime, cuz even they can see the writing on the wall. Looks like it's gonna be another Bush vs Clinton, and the Pubs have totally different baggage to bring into the battle. The Dems have Hillary, who had OMG!-BENGHAZI!, which has been investigated to death, by the Kangaroo Court Repubs, and the worst they can find is she didn't call it 'terrorism' soon enough, and now they're trying to make a big deal about a private e-mail, that was totally legal at the time. Yawn... She has ties to the most popular ex-prez alive, whose greatest problem, while leading a robust,growing economy happened to be getting a BJ (OMG!) in the White House. Then you got Jeb, whose father and brother sacked the Savings and Loan Admin, then his other bro started a war based on lies and totally wrecked the US economy. Oh well, they say, we all make mistakes, BUT, that damn Clinton shoulda been 'Impeached, then Crucified' for a BJ!
Add to the mix the fact the Pubs are unpopular (for MANY reasons) with several of the 'major and growing' blocks of voters, including: the young, educated, afffluent, female, Hispanic (and other minorities) who actually vote during presidential elections. The Pubs still have the old, white 'church lady' vote, BUT, they can count on alienating a LOT of 'fence sitters' as the clown car full of Bozos fight to prove who is the 'MOST Conservative' of the bunch, before they have to deny all their 'deeply held beliefs' when they finally pick a winner to battle Hillary.
In the meantime, we can count on the Koch bros and other Kajillionaires to buy tons of TV ads and FOXNews to shovel piles of swill, in the form of 'fear and loathing' to the sheep, on the network where getting caught in 4 lies in one week, from one guy, is 'no big deal'.
The crazy thing is, I'm NOT a huge Hillary fan, and the only way she looks good is to compare her to a garden variety, environment killing, war mongering, bought and paid for Pub, whose main mission is to kill the middle class and concentrate wealth at the top, claiming a 'Trickle Down Theory', that never happens. GO Hillary.....


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