Was really funny this morning,

watching 'Rick the Dick' Santelli intereview retiring FOMC member, Richard Fisher, cuz Rick was trying to put words in his mouth, but it didn't happen. Rick tried to say that the current bull market is just cuz the Fed printed money, BUT, Fisher correctly reminded him that this admin inherited a broken system with the financial and economic ruins of the Bushies. Now, we are in a 'sweet spot', with the best economy in the world, low interest rates and low inflation, a strong dollar and we're the envy of the international markets. Tough talk for 'The Dick' to swallow as he's continually ranted against Dem policy and the 'runaway inflation' it would cause. It's the same crap I've heard from my hard core, rightwingnut acquaintances who 'don't have a clue' BUT, think if they say the same crap enough times, it might happen, as in 'Obama's gonna RUIN us'! What do you expect when they get their 'News' from FOX, where they 'catapult the propaganda' and the sheep swallow it. Good to see FACTS outweigh the 'opinions, passed off as facts', from Bullshit Mountain. Nothing new here, but good to see a Tea Party idiot exposed, AGAIN.


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