Hillary addressed the 'email problem' today,

and it seems obvious to any rational, thinking person what happened and why. She would have had to carry two phones and use two email accts and she thought it would be easier and more eficient to use one. The rules changed AFTER she left, but she still made all her state dept emails public. Can't wait to see how the assholes at FOX spin it to the sheep, in an effort to smear her, as they ALWAYS do. FOXNews/Bullshit Mountain, nothing but the propaganda arm of the Repub party. 'Fair and Balanced'=The biggest joke in media. Bottom line, the haters are gonna hate, and who cares. AS IF, anything Hillary does would be acceptable to the rightwingnuts. Bottom line, it's all politics, and the Pubs are notorious liars, so screw em, cuz they live in a world where wars, based on lies, killing thousands and costing trillions is NO BIG DEAL, but a blow job is impeachable. Screw em...


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