The FOXLies headline this morning says,

'The Toughest Job in Politics?, Defending Hillary". The clowns who have NO PROBLEM defending GW and The Dick, who spent trillions on a war based on lies, killing thousands in their 'Oops No WMD's', took oil (their business) from under $15 to over $140/barrel and caused the greatest economic crash since the Great Depression, think Hillary is worthy of constant attack. Bottom line, 'The Fair and Balanced' crew is a joke, where their main guy, Big Bill O'Reilly can get caught in 4 provable lies in one week and the sheep don't even blink, cuz they KNOW it's all bullshit and they don't care. Nothing new here, as Bullshit Mountain preaches to the choir, just what the choir wants to hear, and everyone else just laughs at them.


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