It's lucky for Ted Cruz

that he signed up for Obamacare, cuz he was just rushed to the hospital in (Hypo)Critical Condition.
In other Repub news, their braintrust declared the 'anti-immigrant immigrant' is a natural born citizen, although he was born in Canada, because his MOTHER was a citizen. Which is EXACTLY like Obama, (who was actually born in Hawaii, part of the US), and even IF he was born in Kenya, his mother was a citizen. WAY too complicated for the 'birther' sheep to comprehend, BUT, for those of us with a functioning (non-sheep) brain, it's pretty funny. Did you know the MAJORITY of the FOX indoctrinated minions actually believe Obama is a foreign born, Socialist, Muslim? Isn't it funny how effective 'propaganda' can actually be, when dealing with a mostly uneducated, double digit IQ herd of sheep, that gets their 'news' from Bullshit Mountain(R)?


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