The Pubs are fighting amongst themselves,

trying to decide if they're gonna be Far right wing or FAR Far right wing. Mr. Bush and Mr. Walker are becoming prominent exponents of dueling visions of how a Republican can retake the White House: by extending the party's reach, or by energizing the base.
Bottom line, they'll fire up their anti-science, anti-education, anti-gay, anti-female, pro-war base in the primaries, as each candidate tries to 'Out-Conservative' the other, then when the general election comes around, the sheep would vote for Jeffrey Dahmer if he had an (R) beside his name, cuz they just KNOW that the Dems are gonna ruin the country, (cuz FOX tells them so), even though the FACTS show that Obama and crew have finally fixed the steaming pile that the last Repub administration left behind, after they were run out of town with the lowest approval ratings EVER.


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