It's really funny to see the song and dance,

from Rightwingnut Gov Mike Pence,(R), IN, as he says the latest law that OBVIOUSLY discriminates against gays, has been 'misrepresented and misinterpreted', BUT, he promises to FIX it, cuz his rightwing, religious state has been hit where it hurts. Financially. He incorrectly claims that it's the SAME law that the US govt, and 19 other states have. WRONG!, and that was explained on ABC News this morning and on CNBC. The HUGE difference is that if a business in Indiana refused service to a gay person, and that person sued, the business would be treated like a PERSON, with religious beliefs, and could not be prosecuted. Hey Mike, if it's the same, why you gotta FIX it? I'm sure his reasoning works fine for the Indiana sheep who flock to the Noah's Ark theme park, and for the church folk who helped draft the bill, but for NON religious nuts it was a travesty, that's gonna get fixed, BUT, not before the world was shown how 'different' things are in the Bible Belt, where it's a SIN to be born gay, and the sheep think they can 'pray it away'. So, Mike, how's that presidential run lookin'?


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