Really good Daily Show last night,

as Jon showed the FOXClowns bitching and moaning about the media saying Michael Brown had his hands up, but after the info proved he didn't, there was no outrage or effort to tell the truth. Sorta like FOX and BENGHAZI!, Stewart pointed out, by showing several clips of the Bullshit Mountain 'talent' making all kinds of outrageous claims about Hillary that were PROVEN by Repub committees to be totally false as he showed the clips side by side. BUT, did FOX apologize or back down when it was shown they were WRONG?  No, of course not. But, they expected the media to do just that concerning the Ferguson shooting. Just shows how 'The Fair and Balanced' is fairly unbalanced, when it comes to being ANTI Hillary/Obama/ Desm, ALL the time. Nothing new here, but Jon did a great job of pointing out their hypocrisy. See it here.


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