The professional liars at FOX tell the sheep

just the opposite, so they can promote the agenda of the Koch bros, BUT, the scientists who actually make the measurements, and use FACTS instead of Bullshit Mountain propaganda, say it was the warmest winter EVER recorded.

WASHINGTON (AP) - Federal records show that this winter and the first two months of 2015 were the hottest on record globally, with a chilly U.S. East sticking out like a cold thumb in a toastier world.

Rush and Sean like to giggle at the Libs as they trot out one of their (PAID by Big Oil) 'scientists', part of the 3% who disagree with the HUGE majority, but it's like everything else at FOXLies. Why would anyone believe their obvious, slanted, biased bullshit? Oh yeah, the sheep gave up reality long ago, once they went over to the 'Fair and Balanced' network. Nothing new here, but sometimes it's REALLY easy to prove they're just liars, sorta like Bill O'Reilly, who saw the nuns get shot, right after he was on the porch when the Oswald witness killed himself, after he was 'on the ground', in the Falklands, and other lies. When you think about the 'climate change' lies that are SO obvious, kinda makes you wonder what else they'd lie about?  Bottom line, the sheep don't care, as they hear the message they want. Dems bad, Pubs good, who needs facts?


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