The main FOXLies headline said,

'EMail Hearings NOT a Tool to Bash Clinton'. Yeah, right.... They just wanna dig through all her personal emails, 2 years 'after the fact', to check for 'security risks'. Bottom line, this is Bullshit Mountain, and all their readers made up their mind (with the help of a BUNCH of FOXLies) about Hillary, a LONG time agao, and non-FOXLies readers don't give a shit what Bullshit Mountain shovels to the sheep. SO, they can preach to the choir whatever they want to, for as long as they want to. The sheep don't need no convincing and nobody else cares what 'The Fair and Balanced' clowns have to say, which is ALWAYS the same, for the double digit IQ crowd. Repubs GOOD, Dems BAD, Vote Repub, (and don't think about what they did the last time they were in charge).


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