FOX and the Pubs,

one and the same, do a LOT of shady, slimy stuff, BUT, the reporting from Bullshit Mountain, today, concerning the Human Trafficking, bipartisan bill, (that would have passed, but DIDN'T, because the Pubs slipped in the anti abortion, Hyde Amendment, knowing it wouldn't pass), is some of the worst. According to the clowns at FOX, the Dems ruined a great bipartisan bill, by NOT NOTICING, the single sentence Repub sabotage in the 68 page document. Same old shit, as FOX (the Pubs), twists and spins the facts, in a successful effort to keep the sheep riled and ignorant. They do it, cuz it's easy and it always works. Doesn't make it any less sickening, though, as the sleazy Party of NO!, always manages to wreck  legislation , then bitches and moans, twists and spin when their tactics are exposed. Nothng  new here, as the 'human traffic' sex slaves lose protection, while the rightwingnut gets a feather in his cap for his anti abortion stunt, from his Far Right buddies.


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