The Pubs are Freakin' out,

cuz Obamacare is being embraced, NOT causing the Dr shortage, huge costs and problems the nay-sayers predicted, and the economy, by ALL measures is showing strong growth. The Pubs hate it, cuz their message has consistently been what a 'disaster' Obama 'is gonna be', while ignoring the total disaster that 'Bush/Cheney(R) actually were. FOX and the Pubs (one and the same) are forced to villify Hillary with BENGHAZI!, and OMG!, private e-mail. Their minions, like Tea Party favorite, Rick Santelli on CNBC, (how does he keep his job?), look at fantastic housing start numbers, low interest rates, rising employment, a strong dollar and struggle to find negatives that can describe how BAD things are under Obama and the Dems. Really sad and funny at the same time as the fallacy that brought out the Pub voters in 2014 (the sky is falling!) isn't gonna work anymore, except for the Bullshit Mountain sheep, who lost contact with reality, LONG ago. Nothing new here, but should be fun to watch as the Repub brain trust tries to find the next wedge issue, cuz BENGHAZI! and e-mails aren't gonna work forever, as their lies about Obamacare and the economy unravel before their eyes.


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