This morning's AOL News (a Conservative Source)

had this article about the latest attemtpt by the Pubs to sabotage the US, (with an alliance of many other nations) and Iran negotiations, while offering ZERO options or solutions, before they even see what it is.

The letter, which was drafted by Tom Cotton, a Republican of Arkansas, a junior senator with no foreign policy credentials. Instead of trying to be leaders and statesmen, the Republicans in Congress seem to think their role is outside the American government, divorced from constitutional principles, tradition and the security interests of the American people.
The letter was the latest shot to blow up the negotiations with Iran. Earlier this month, House Republicans invited Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel to denounce a pact in a speech to Congress.
Besides being willing to sabotage any deal with Iran (before they know the final details), these Republicans are perfectly willing to diminish America’s standing as a global power capable of crafting international commitments and adhering to them.
Same old crap from the Pubs. Obstructionism with no alternative solution, just like Immigration and Affordable Health Care, while their apologists at FOXNews tell the sheep how terrible the Dems are, for trying to actually DO something, instead of just saying NO! 


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