As FOX and the Pubs, one and the same,

continue their witch hunt against Hillary, they bitch and moan about her 'private server', when their only experience with a private server is when they order extra bacon at Waffle House, BUT, in an era when Big Business and all forms of govt e-mails have been 'hacked' by China, Russia and North Korea among MANY others, no one claims that she (with an email system that was set up by the Secret Service for prez Bill) has been hacked, although the election HAS been h(ij)acked by the rightwingnuts, who have totally different standards for Dems and the Bullshit Mountain favorites, as in 'Obama's economy' (terrible?) vs what GW did to us (good?), and BTW, none of her emails were 'Classified' at the time they were sent, but later, though the sheep don't seem to know the difference, or don't care to know. (Wow, long sentence..) 


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