Tina Fey, as Sarah Palin

on SNL last night, was hilarious. It was hard to tell the comedic lines from the actual brainless, blathering 'quotes' that the hot looking, empty headed Repub is so famous for. But, among the Pub faithful, who think St Ronald and GW were 'really smart', she's a rock star. Bottom line, nothing new here, and the reality star turned politician (Trump) hooking up with the politician turned reality star is PERFECT for the FOXNews sheep, where a triple digit IQ will have the rest of the herd looking at you 'suspiciously'.
In other news, the Denver Post, this morning, had the results of a large medical research study, showing cannabis was over 50% effective in relieving the pain of migraine headaches. Wow, over 50%. That's HUGE in the world of medical research. Who knows what other medicinal properties will be 'discovered and confirmed' as the naturally growing plant, that has been used 'medically' for centuries, across many cultures, has risen above (in Colorado, at least) the prejudices of the rightwingnuts who think they need to impose their 'morality' on everyone else?
I can't imagine how I'd feel, if I was migraine sufferer in a Red State, where they'd throw my ass in jail, cuz I wanted pain relief, from devastating headaches. Nothing new here, in rightwingnut world, but hopefully the country is changing, slowly but surely...


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