I realize we're not perfect (Surprise!)

but we're doing really well, after seeing this article on AOL this morning.
According to Dr. Schwarzbaum and Sussman, the top reasons couples seek counseling/get divorced include:
  • Frequent fighting
  • When one partner wants sex and the other doesn't (or sexual desire discrepancy, as it's known diagnostically)
  • One partner's drinking or drug abuse
  • A difference of opinion on work-life balance
  • Financial stress
  • Weight issues
  • Arguments related to adult children
  • WOW, we're pretty lucky/fortunate, cuz we're pretty much 'on the same page', most of the time, other than the 'frequent fights' when Carol says we have worthless, irresponsible adult children, but I claim there IS hope, for ONE of them, maybe...


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