Good article on AOL this morning,

about the states with the most OUTBOUND population, as in people moving away. It was basically a list of Red States, led by LA, then most of the upper midwest rust belt, like Ohio, Indiana and Illinois. Also some farm states like Iowa, NE and SD. Wow, who da think people wouldn't want to live in a low income/education area, with no jobs? Last week there was an article of where people are moving TO, and it was basically all Blue States, led by Oregon and Colorado. Hmmm, what is it they have in common, other than a well-educated work force and lots of jobs? Hmmm, it'll come to me....
In the meantime, I saw a good quote, Southern discomfort – the notion that the modern GOP is too Dixiefied in its social conservatism to win national elections.
Hmm, that's pretty good...., And another good quote, That leaves Ben Carson as the odd man out. With emphasis on ODD. Another good quote, about the Repub debate. 
'Clash of the Cretins'. Perfect....


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