The Far Right Conservatives are bitchin',

cuz Trump isn't a TRUE Conservative. Duh... Why do you think he's leading? Most people, by far, can't stand Ultra-Conservatives. Trump is leading because he's a Populist, in every sense of the word. He says what the wingnuts wanna hear, and there are enough wingnuts in the Repub party to make him the leader, outpacing the Tea Party rhetoric of the Greaseball. Luckily, both of them are too far 'out there' to ever be elected nationally, BUT, they can make the Repub nomination 'interesting', for a while', until I see THIS happening.
Cruz and Trump will go after each other with increasing ferocity over the next many weeks or months. There is a decent chance, given their personalities, that they will make each other maximally unattractive and go down in each other’s death embrace.

Until then, the road-show Comedy/Reality Show is fun to watch, esp when empty headed Alaskan Bimbos make a guest appearance, and remind thinking people everywhere WHY they're not Republican, but everyone loves to watch a clown fight.


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