Cuz we wanted to see

most of the Academy Award nominated movies, we watched 'Inside Out' this evening. I gotta admit I kinda 'missed it' as I tried to look at it from Piper's (my 6 yr old granddaughter) viewpoint, instead of mine, and I couldn't relate. My fault, not the movie's.
The little girl moved from MN to CA and had a hard time. I moved from Lexington to Kearney, (same month Tom Heller moved from Holdrege) and the first day I played 'soccer kickball' (baseball with a soccerball that you kick) at recess and I kicked it over everyone's heads, (I had strong legs), and became popular on the playground. In the classroom we had a geography test, (that we had just studied in my old school) and I aced it. The teacher liked me.
Bottom line, I couldn't relate to the problems of a 'new kid in school', from 'Inside Out', but gotta watch it again, with a different attitude, as in NOT trying to watch it from Piper's point of view, which I can't really understand anyway.


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