Not sure who wrote it first

but my buddy Dave and I are both on the same theme. I mentioned the 'evangelicals' flocking to Trump, this morning, and then saw Dave's article today, that says the same thing, only more eloquently, as usual.
The Trump/Cruz phenomena is based not on traditional GOP “ideology” – but rather on the crude underbelly of bigotry and racism that has been at the root of the GOP base ever since Nixon’s “Southern strategy”.
The latest evidence?  Polls show that Iowa evangelicals are now moving heavily in favor of Trump – that bastion of Christian moral rectitude and exemplar of humility, compassion, “turn the other cheek” and unequivocal support for the poor and the meek.  If you made a Venn diagram of “WWJD” (What Would Jesus Do?) vs. “WWTD” (What Would Trump Do?) – the overlap between the two circles would probably less than 5%.
But what “evangelicals” really care about are not Christian ideals, but rather losing control of their Norman Rockwell fantasy of a bygone America where white Christian men were totally in charge – and “The Other” (blacks, Latinos, gays, Muslims, atheists, “uppity” women and the poor) “knew their place."
Wow, talk about an 'unholy alliance'. Evangelical voters and the Repub Party, led by Donald Trump. OMG! The End Times MUST be near, 'for those who believe that stuff'...


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