OK children, time for a quiz,

but don't worry, it's 'open book', IF you know how to use Google. The question.
Of the two presidents, GW and Obama, one took the country's deficit HIGHER every year he was in office. The other one took it LOWER every year. Who did what?
Hint: Google 'US deficit', OR do you really have to? Go ahead and guess....
Hint; The Repubs claim to be the 'fiscally responsible' party. Never mind, that's not a good hint...
Do you know the correct answer?
Hint; FOXNews is nothing but a collection of lies, to elect Republicans, and they claim the Pubs are the most fiscally responsible. NOW do you know? No more hints. Look it up.
Who took the deficit steadily higher, and who took it steadily lower?
BTW, the cost of TWO wars weren't 'on the books', even though they cost trillions, cuz it was an 'emergency', according to GW's bookkeepers, cuz Saddam had 'WMD's'. Ooooops...


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