The more I learn about him,

the less I like him, and this is from a starting point of 'I can't stand him', as he tried, almost single-handedly, to 'shut it down', (the US govt) when Colorado was trying to recover from the devastating floods, two years ago, and he stopped VERY NECESSARY govt help, by grandstanding, while reading 'Green Eggs and Ham', in a publicity stunt that hurt SO MANY.
Since then, just seeing his sleazy, greaseball face repels me, but now I find out his 'outsider' status is backed, (over $36 Mil) primarily, by 4 multi-billionaires, from Big Oil and Wall Street, who are courting him for future 'political favors', while he plays the 'religious masses' like a maestro with a wand.
Not only do Dems hate him, but also MOST of the Repubs in Congress, and ESPECIALLY his classmates from college.
Former classmates have come back to cause trouble for Cruz before. Some who knew him at Princeton told The Daily Beast he was "abrasive," "strident," "crank," "arrogant" and "creepy."
I can understand the appeal (to the low-rent crowd) of a carnival barker, 'showman', like Trump, but what is the allure of Rafael Edurado, other than his 'Southern Preacher' sermons?
The good news? Hillary OR Bernie would 'smoke' the Greaseball in a general election, if the rightwingnuts choose him as their nominee. Go Ted!


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