Just watched 'Margin Call',

which told the same story as 'The Big Short', from a different point of view. Kevin Spacey, Jeremy Irons, Stanley Tucci, Demi Moore and many others do a great job, telling the story of how the US financial system 'tanked' after 8 years of GWBush and the Repubs, as MBS (mortgage backed securities) were manipulated for the profits of a few. Not a pretty story, but one we all remember, as our national economy lost about HALF it's value, while the Big Boys got bailed out, and cashed huge bonuses, at the expense of all us little people.
I understood what happened, at the time, and tried to explain it to the rightwingnuts, who denied reality, over and over. Now, 8 years later, Hollywood is explaining it SIMPLY, so even the sheep can understand, if they WANT to, but I doubt they'll remove their heads from their asses, cuz they don't WANT to know the truth, about who screwed us. Bottom line, unbridled greed(R), in the form of Big Banks and Wall Street pulled off the biggest con game/robbery in the history of the world, and NONE of them were prosecuted, as GW paid over $860 BILLION to the crooks, who laughed at us suckers, while they cashed their checks.
Remember what 2008 was like, and how long it's taken us to recover, as FOX tells you to vote for more(R) of the same. I'd like to think it can't happen again, but, just like Iraq followed Viet Nam, it will, if/when Pubs control the govt/military/money....


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