Wow, what a lucky guess

by those stupid climatologists who (several days ago) said a HUGE storm was gonna hit Washington DC and large parts of the East Coast. It's already SECOND all time deepest snow, in several places, (incl NYC and Wash DC) and it's still snowing...
Like I said, LUCKY GUESS, cuz Rush and Sean and the rest of the clowns on Bullshit Mountain claim those 'scientists', in their Ivory Towers, don't have a clue when they talk about weather, and we all know, FOXNews would NEVER lie to the sheep.... Why would they?
Answer: Cuz that's their job, man, to lie to the sheep, and they are VERY good at it. 'Practice makes perfect', in their quest to do, 'whatever it takes', to elect Repubs. Nothing new here, but sometimes it gets REAL obvious....


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