FOXNews has chimed in again,

in their effort to 'take back' the country, from that Black Guy in the White House, who has 'ruined' America. Duh..... Compared to what? The steaming pile of a scorched economy that GW and Dick left behind? Unemployment skyrocketing, economy crashing, two unpaid for wars raging, housing in freefall, along with the stock market, and GW writing over $860 BILLION in checks to his Big Money buddies, oil at $140/barrel after the Pubs 'Big Adventure' in the MidEast?
What part of this picture hasn't Obama and the Dems made better, by a BUNCH?
BUT, Bullshit Mountain, grazing ground of the low-info sheep, claims that the Obama presidency has been a 'disaster'. What are these people drinking? Now, the Fair and Balanced clowns are bitchin' cuz some don't think The Donald is presidential material, and claim the people have 'been gutted', and 'are scared'? Who ARE these idiots? Oh yeah, the sheep. Never mind, as FOX reports,
You're worried about Donald’s voice? Americans are tuning into the debates in historic numbers. I'll tell you who the angriest voices are… 
The angriest voices are the American people. 
We've been gutted. 
We're scared. 


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