For Cliven and Ammon Bundy, and the rightwingnuts,

supported by the whackjobs of Bullshit Mountain, just check out the map (below) and try to comprehend how the UNITED States were formed. The US govt bought (or annexed), the mainland 48 states, but now the bozos who wanna run their cattle on govt land, without paying, while they yell 'Constitution' think they have a claim on govt property. Bullshit!
You can't 'pick and choose' which laws you wanna obey, and hide behind 'militias', while spouting your rightwing crap. Obey the 'law of the land', or LEAVE, OR get your ass shot on the road in Oregon, when you choose armed resistance. It's your choice, BUT, we don't need FOXNews making a 'hero' out of the idiot, who finally got his wish.>A cowboy-hat-wearing Mormon rancher who died during the arrests of his fellow Oregon occupiers on Tuesday night had vowed weeks ago never to be taken alive by authorities.
 Darwin has a 'theory' about his type.


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