For the most part I REALLY like British

movies and TV, cuz they have such a droll, intellectual sense of humor. Yesterday was no exception, as the govt had to deal with an issue, cuz it got over 500,000 signatures on a petition. Seems most of the Brits want to BAN The Donald from even setting foot in the country, SO, the Parliament spent the large part of a day 'discussing' it, which means they ridiculed the GOP's #1 guy and called him LOTS of names, with 'Buffoon' being the #1 choice. When the dust settled he wasn't banned (cuz he spends a LOT of money in the UK), and they decided to take the high road and figured the American people weren't stupid enough to elect him. I'm not so sure of that, as it seems the GOP is actively sucking the collective intelligence down to the level of their Southern, Bible Belt constituency. Enter Sarah Palin, just when you thought it couldn't get any worse. What used to be funny is now just sad, and scary....


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