I TRIED, to watch the Repub clowns,

but when The Greaseball got the first question, and bitched about the sailors who went into Iran waters, (but were quickly released) and he promised that would NEVER happen under a Repub prez. WTF? Then they tied China's economic collapse (that roiled world markets) on Obama.
Who swallows this crap? Oh yeah, the sheep. Insane, but nothing new, as the Pubs ignore reality, and preach their own 'facts', like the US economy does better under Pubs.
 Can the sheep not remember 2008 after 8 years of Pubs? Gotta turn it off, before I throw a shoe at the screen, as Jeb and the rest of them say the US has gone 'downhill' since GW and The Dick handed off the 'steaming pile' of an economy. Totally insane crap, that only the sheep can relate to....

Obama has 'gutted' the military? The US has 'No Respect' in the world? The US economy has 'tanked'? Hillary can't be prez cuz she's going to jail? Iran should have been 'attacked' cuz US sailors wandered into their legitimate country's borders, (but were quickly released)? Our country is bankrupt and we gotta 'shut down' our borders and build walls? Hillary has 'hundreds of millions' of  'shady' dollars in the bank, but, The Greaseball just made an accounting error with his 'undeclared' big bucks from Big Banks? Exec orders (Obama's are way less than Bush's) are unconstitutional? We need a HUGE wall? The Donald would sell guns to ANYONE, cuz of the 2nd amendment? Obama is gonna 'take guns', and 'hates' free enterprise? The Navy is 'half the size' under Obama? The Pubs are gonna 'kick Obama's rear end out of the White House', (after EIGHT years)? ISIS is Obama's creation after GW and The Dick wrecked the MidEast? What kind of ignorant/uninformed/naive mind can listen to and believe this crap? Oh yeah, the FOX(R) sheep. Nothing new here, but totally INSANE....

PS I thought the biggest clown would be Donald or Ted, BUT it is Dr Ben. RU kidding???? Oh yeah, and then a BUNCH more 'Obama wants to 'Take Your Guns'!, although EVERYTHING he has done has the overwhelming support of the US people. Total idiots(R).... Was wondering who they are pandering to, then I remembered what a 'big deal' the Pubs made of  The Duck Commander' endorsing The Greaseball. 'Nuff said, am going to bed, before I barf...


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