After being exposed AGAIN, as a partisan witch-hunt,

you'd think the Pubs would crawl under a rock and quietly let the whole fiasco die, after 3 years and 8 MAJOR hearings on BENGHAZI!. But no. I dislike Saturday mornings cuz my news/financial shows aren't on, and as I flip through the channels I sometimes land on FOXLies. This morning, the angry villagers, riled by FOX, had their pitchforks and torches out, looking for more and bigger branches, with which to beat the 'dead horse' of BENGHAZI!.They had the bereaved mothers and smoking ruins, and OMG!, the 'private server'. I couldn't understand, until I thought, 'What else are they gonna talk about?' Their wonderful leading candidates? The Donald, and an inexperienced whackjob that's gonna kill Medicare? The last time the Pubs were in power? Their renegade faction wanting to 'shut it down'? I guess you go with BENGHAZI! when your other choices are all LOSERS. Nothing new here, but how much of this can the sheep swallow, until even THEY gag and barf?


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