I wonder if others my age

get pissed off, when the Repubs try to gut 'entitlement' programs, to shovel more money into the military, as we already spend more than the next ten nations COMBINED,  while the Congressmen(R) try to get massive pork barrel projects for their home districts. The 'entitlement' of Soc Sec was funded by deductions from every paycheck I made, and now, I still have a mandatory payment of over a $100/mo, with a deductible and then it pays only 80% of the bill. Yet the Pubs act like they are allowing the 'entitled' oldsters a special favor, by allowing us access to the money we've paid for many decades, as they'd rather shovel more money to the F-35's that are over a hundred million PER PLANE, and rising. I get SO SICK of the Repub a**holes who muddy the waters when it comes to spending, as the party of 'financial responsibility' is the biggest joke since the Fair and Balanced 'news' network. How naive/ignorant do you have to be, to swallow their BS?
PS, F35's are over TWO hundred million per plane and the project is over $163 BILLION over-budget, and over 7 years behind schedule. BUT, the Pubs just want MORE MONEY!, that they claim has to be 'offset' by 'Entitlement' programs. Screw 'em....


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