Wow, tuff time to be a Repub,

although life is NEVER easy when you're ignorant. Does anyone REALLY think either of the clowns atop the Pub ladder (Trump and Carson) is presidential material? You gotta be kidding, right? Hillary, looking more presidential than ever, befuddled the jerks in the 8th BENGHAZI! hearing who proved, beyond a shadow of a doubt exactly what at least 3 Repubs claimed, 'It's all about taking down Hillary's poll numbers'. Duh, who da thunk? Biden dropped out, so Dems can concentrate on one candidate, and Obama's approval is growing daily, along with the market/economy, which is the NUMBER 1 predictor in an election, while the Tea Party rightwingnuts plan to'shut it down', although rational Pubs (a minority) realize that would be a disaster. Like I said, tuff time to be a rightwingnut/Repub, as it should be....
BTW, approval numbers of 50% don't look that great, until you compare them to the last prez(R), at 22%. Look it up, as the Pubs hope for 'mass amnesia' or a sudden, nationwide IQ drop, that would put ordinary Americans in FOXSheep territory. Sorry Pubs, ain't gonna happen....


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