There was a time when I was against

the Pubs forcing Hillary into the 9th Inquisition, as they plan to do, cuz 8 Congressional Hearings just 'aren't enough', as the double digit IQ rightwingnuts can't stop screaming about the 4 Americans who were killed, while the thousands in Iraq are No Big Deal, cuz, Hey, GW got bad info, and 'everyone makes mistakes', but OMG!, Hillary needs to be crucified cuz she didn't anticipate the problem and personally show up with an RPG.
Now, I'm saying 'Go For It', you partisan hacks. You're not fooling anyone, except the low information, low IQ crowd, who are EASY to fool, and it makes a perfect showcase to for Hillary to 'show off' her obvious intellect in the face of her accusers who will make asses of themselves, AGAIN.
JUST DO IT, is my recommendation to Trey, and the IN(R) Congresswoman and Rep Pompeo, KS(R). Remind us AGAIN, what a witch hunt actually looks like. Your Salem forefathers, thumping their Good Book, would be SO proud....


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