In their never-ending quest,

to bring 'news' to the sheep, FOX has a recurring theme that surfaces about once a year. Yup, today there is new 'evidence' that Noah's ark has been found! I haven't seen the video, not do I need to, that will confirm the 'fact' that Noah put 2 of every animal on earth, (incl those from other continents) with food to survive 40 days, (and the muddy mess they returned to), on a boat he built himself, when the entire earth flooded, so God could remove all the sinners.
What a perfect audience for the FOX/Repub (one and the same) fantasy world of politics. If they believe the ark story, they'll have no problem GW got 'bad info' before he attacked Iraq, sending the price of Texas oil up ten-fold. Would be funny if not so sad, as simple-minded, innocent people are 'Used' by Repub politicians.
Hmmm, ya think just maybe the Pubs recognized that church-going Christians are the largest voting bloc in the US, BY FAR, and maybe they (Karl Rove) tailored their political message to them? Duh, who da thunk they'd reach out out people that accept events 'on faith' that seem WAY to outrageous to be real. The perfect audience, AND they vote.....(R).


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