I would have loved

to have been a fly on the wall, as the Repub leadership smacked down the 40 or Tea Party rightwingnuts who are TOO FAR RIGHT, for the Far Right Pubs. The jerks who had nothing to lose, and had planned to 'shut it down' in a futile attempt to show their home districts 'I'm the MOST Conservative dickhead in Congress', obviously got their peepees whacked by someone in Pub leadership who finally grew a spine, and realized not all Americans are as brain dead as the FOXNews sheep, and there would be consequences for another rightwingnut temper tantrum. Finally, the hint of 'adults in charge' in the GOP, but I'm betting it doesn't last, for a party whose fave clowns are The Donald and The Doctor, who have a total of ZERO experience running the govt. Oh yeah, this is the same party who picked Sarah Palin to be a heartbeat (of an OLD man) away from running the country, AND totally wrecked the economy last time they were in charge, SOOO, what can you expect from this crowd? Intelligence? You gotta be kidding....


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