Great article in the Times this morning,

trying to explain the FAR far rightwingnuts who have gummed up Congress, with the 40 or so Tea Partiers that are TOO far right for the Repub Party. They interviewed some of the constituents, from the highly Gerrymandered districts that reward the Congressmen who want to 'shut it down', and will get the boot, if they so much as talk across the aisle. Part of the insanity is explained by the basic terminology of computer programming. 'Garbage in, garbage out'. Once these nutballs are convinced FOX is the only source of truth, then Game Over for them, and the logical thought process.

“In the morning we have Herman Cain out of Atlanta,” Ms. Pearson said. “Then we have Rush from noon to 3, and then Hannity from 3 to 5, and then — oh, what’s that guy’s name? — the RedState guy, Erick Erickson, from 5 to 7.”
Georgia’s 10th District got Mr. Hice, 55, from talk radio, too. Before seeking office in 2014, Mr. Hice, a Southern Baptist minister, had his own show, syndicated on 400 stations, on which listeners heard him weigh in against Islam and homosexuality and for gun rights.

Not hard to imagine how/why these nutballs think like they do.... If I were locked in a room and assaulted with FOXNews, I'd either become a raving lunatic or become a FOXSheep. Which, when you think about it, is one and the same.


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