On top of all the OBVIOUS reasons

why Ben Carson is totally UNqualified for prez, as in ZERO experience,( which only makes sense to a rightwingnut), I would think his plan to 'Abolish Medicare' would disqualify him from one of the largest voting blocs in America, which is Seniors, who LOVE their Medicare, even though it is a terrible example of that dreaded SOCIALISM, that the nutjobs are always screaming about. Clueless Ben would replace it with a govt mandated 'savings program', funded by govt contributions. Huh? What about the dreaded Socialism? This stuff only makes sense to the rightwingnuts, and fortunately they're nowhere NEAR a majority, other than on Bullshit Mountain, where logic and rationality isn't a major concern. Should be fun to watch Dr Ben, when he reaches a more discerning audience than Iowa, where Michelle Bachmann was their fave last time. For the brainiacs(R),
who think Trump or Carson would be the perfect president, cuz they are total outsiders, with NO experience, do I have a deal for you. If you are dissatisfied with your current Dr, or TV repairman, or car mechanic, the next time you have an emergency, just call ME, cuz I have NO experience in those areas, so I should be PERFECT in your non-logic world, where NO EXPERIENCE is what you're looking for, in the most important job in the country. Can you spell S_T_U_P_I_D?


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