The sheep were ecstatic

when one of their heroes, Ted Cruz, was asked a question about the debt ceiling, concerning his desire to shut down the govt over it, and he launched into a rant about ' the mainstream media', WITHOUT looking at his notes, while he totally ignored the question, for obvious reasons. WOW! It didn't matter to low-info minions that half of what he said about the prior questions he just 'made up' and it was all about 'not answering', and 'shooting the messenger', that has worked so well for the Party of NO. Sorta like when Dan Rather had piles of evidence that GW had skipped out on his military commitments by dodging his service in the Natl Guard. They concentrated on ONE questionable document and totally ignored the MAIN issue, which was undeniably true. They learned a valuable lesson. Ignore the issue and attack the messenger, cuz the sheep don't really care about those pesky things called 'facts', as long as they are  kept continually 'riled' with that damned 'lamestream media', and anyway, they can always get 'real' news from the Fair and Balanced network, who'll tell em exactly what they wanna hear. What a joke...


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