I'd be willing to bet, BIG money,

that MOST of the rightwingnuts 'out there' couldn't give a good explanation of 'private server', other than it's their waitress who brings them extra bacon at Waffle House.They just know, cuz of Bullshit Moutain, that it's TERRIBLE, and the future prez Hillary should be impeached for it. They don't realize (or don't care) that it was set up by the US Secret Service for Bill, the prez, and has NOT been hacked, UNlike the 'official' govt server. Also, the sheep don't know (or don't care) that at the time Hillary used it, it was common practice and definitely not illegal, and MANY of those in congress(R), did and DO, use private servers. Also, she sent NO classified info over it, although some was LATER RE-classified as secret/secure.
Why do I bother to try and educate the ignorant masses(R), who need SOMETHING to bitch about. Never mind, listen to your master (FOX), and bitch about Hillary's private server. It makes as much sense as everything else you bitch about, in the world where 'Dems Bad, Repubs Good', no matter what it was like in 2008, after 8 years of Pub control....


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