As I've said before,

The Donald isn't even close to presidential material, (except in the eyes of the rightwingnuts(R), BUT, he does speak the truth, sometimes. Recently, after pointing out that GW didn't do a great job of protecting the US, although the Pubs claimed, 'He kept us safe', (oh yeah, except for that little thing on Sept 11th), Donald said that guests on FOX are 'dumb puppets'. Duh, ya think? The 'Fair and Balanced' (funniest name EVER) crowd doesn't have a dissenting voice, unless it's to outnumber, outshout and beat up on. Yup, The Donald isn't even close to presidential, except for the double digit IQ crowd(R), BUT, he does have his moments...
BTW You can tell the FOX crowd, cuz they're represented with the 'Christmas colors'.


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