In PubWorld, they were shocked

when Ben Carson's 'math' was criticized, as he showed he didn't have a clue about the Federal Budget/Deficit. BUT, the next day when he was shown, with the pesky things called 'facts', how ludicrous how statements were, he replied, 'Wellllll, an amateur built Noah's ark and professionals built the Titanic', and the sheep went wild, cuz 'he shure showed them pointy headed Liberals who's the smartest, yuk, yuk...'
Yup, this passes for 'fact-checking' in the world of 'rightwingnuts vs reality', and the whackjobs are claiming a HUGE victory, in their world where myth trumps science. If this nutball actually had a chance, I'd be truly scared, but c'mon, these are the same people who chose Bachmann, Santorum and Hermann Cain as their choices to run our country, before deciding on Mitt, with his magic underwear and Mormon beliefs. Would be scary, if not so funny, (or is it the other way around?)


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