When I listed my fave activities,

the other day, I mentioned that I read, and I should have said, A LOT. My reading usually falls into three categories, which are historical fiction, modern action/suspense, and fantasy/fiction/humor, which would describe my daily foray onto the FOXLies web-site. I usually get a good laugh, before  I realize the fantasy/fiction BS is actually believed by some, better known as 'The Sheep', who have given up on reality Long Ago, and would rather just have their biases confirmed, by a blonde bimbo or a series of buffoonish talking heads from The Fair and Balanced Network, actually the thinly disguised 'propaganda arm' of the Repub Party. Rather than stand on a street corner screaming, or unloading on my friends and relatives, I just unload HERE, so I don't have to hold it in, like the overflowing colostomy bag, better known as FOXNews.
 Works for me, as I point out obvious stuff like FOX adding 'mandatory' to Hillary's (consideration of a 'voluntary') gun buy-back consideration. or the way Bullshit Mountain had the headline screaming, 'Hillary Denies Stevens' Request for Additional Security', when he was referring to 'on the road', traveling protection. I could go on and on, with just O'Reilly lies, but you get the point. Non-sheep know and the sheep don't care, Nothing new here, BUT, I can feel better by counteracting FOX Bullshit with reality. Who knows, maybe someone will return from, or not go over to, 'The Dark Side'. I can dream.....


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