In our 'old farts brunch bunch',

we are all about the same age age, and there are retired, soon to be retired, and 'I wish I could retire'. Some people have a hard transition to 'doing nothing'. Not me. For one thing, I transitioned gradually and have been totally, comfortably retired for 8 years, and have gotten better at doing nothing, which was always my life's goal. I can understand, and respect those who think that's TERRIBLE, while they need to feel wanted or want to feel needed, but, to each his own. And my idea of doing nothing includes an active social life, travel, reading, studying the world of finance/investing for profit, music, movies, spending time with my lovely bride in the home I built, and Bailey (our kitty), golf, Colorado, sports, and family time, which is the 'best' time. Don't get me wrong, if something needs to be done, I'll do it, but I don't go looking for 'extra' stuff.
Plus, I have my mission of enlightening the sheep, (AND those with actual working brains), about the reality behind FOXNews, which is nothing but the propaganda arm of the Repub party, which comes as a SURPRISE! to almost no one, but there are a FEW, I suspect, among my hundreds of regular readers (built up over 9 years and thousands of posts) who think that FOX is a legitimate news organization that happens to 'lean' in the same direction as their own rightwingnut bias. You may even be one of them.
Well, that's what brings me to my point. I don't do NOTHING all the time. I provide a thoughtful alternative to Bullshit Mountain bullshit. Believe it or not, I wasn't able to retire 8 years ago, and steadily gain net worth, cuz I'm stupid. My bullshit detector and realistic ways to deal with real life situations have served me well, and I'm willing to share. Number One=Follow the Money, and you'll find the truth. Simple, but oh, so real. There is no source of $$$ like the US Treasury and people will do/say anything to gain access, for themselves and their accomplices. SO, next time you think about Iraq, look to see who gained and who paid. (Hint; Big Oil/Texas(R),vs the rest of us) That's enough reality for one day. You're welcome, and now I can get back to my main goal.
BTW, Shakespeare said 'Know thyself', and 'To thine own self be true'. I think I've figured out that part of life, which I think is very important, to mental health, instead of living up to other's expectations, which ISN'T me...


Anonymous said…
Part of that should be saved for your obituary.

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