Not that I listen to the buffoon/windbag,

but Rush keeps saying climate change is a liberal plot, and I wonder what the sheep think (IF they do) about the record temps/record hurricane winds that is SO obvious to anyone with a brain (excluding the sheep). What is WRONG with the idiots who listen/believe the crap from this jerkwad/spokesman for FOXNews/Koch bros? I guess it's the same mentality that blindly accepts all the biblical stories, putting their brain on a shelf, and calling it 'faith'. PERFECT fodder for the Repub message. UNbelievable, but SO Republican. The sad thing? These people vote(R), and give us people like GW/Cheney. SO scary, when I think about the world my granddaughter could inherit, if these 'low information' voters follow their leaders, from FOX, after Karl Rove recognized/exploited the naivity of the 'true believers', who require no 'proof'.


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