Rick the Dick Santelli,

the darling of the rightwingnuts, who has been CONSISTENTLY wrong, about EVERYTHING he has predicted in the financial world, as he has screamed about 'runaway inflation', for the last 7 years, while just the opposite is true, was bitchin' about the US economy this morning, AGAIN. Oh really Rick? As compared to what? The world economy? No, Rick, that can't be, cuz Europe, Asia and South America would LOVE to be us, as they are struggling with the 'austerity' you embrace. Compared to the US economy the last time you jackhole Repubs were in charge? When it took over $860 bil in checks to GW's Big Money pals to stop a total implosion? Surely you jest... Maybe compared to what 'it could be'? Pretty tough to grow an economy when the Pubs fight everything (unless it's war or military) incl much needed infrastructure, job training, restructuring student debt, that is one of the WORST economy killers, as the Pubs choose Big Banks over students EVERY time.
SO, Rick the Dick, what is your latest, 'talking out your ass' all about, other than bitchin about 'all things Democratic, as always, while being consistently, easily provably wrong, about EVERYTHING?


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