The Pubs love to bitch,

that 'Obama's recovery' just isn't good enough for them, compared to past recoveries. There are 3 MAIN reasons for this. 1. The CRASH(R), was the worst since the Big D, and we are lucky to come back as well as we did, with all the crap going on in 2008.  2. The Pubs have done NOTHING to help, and everything they can to hinder a recovery, cuz the existing economy is the #1 predictor in a Prez election, and they wanna be back in charge.  3.We've known for LONG time that when the Baby Boomers reached retirement age, the economy would slow down, as the largest demographic of our society left the work force. Soooo, all things considered, I'd say we're doing pretty well, in spite of what the rightwingnuts say.
PS The fave thing of the Party of NO! is to claim 'We can't afford it', although they had No Problem with trillions of dollars worth of unpaid-for wars, based on lies, BUT, when we need jobs and infrastructure, for the American people, then, they all of a sudden they get a 'financial conscience'. Total bullshit, but nothing new here, from the people who 'wreck it, but won't fix it', and will do ANYTHING to get re-elected, so they can wreck it all, again, as they take the 'profits', from us 'suckers', the taxpayers.... Who can't see something SO obvious? Oh yeah, the sheep, who believe FOXBullshit.


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