I was gonna post, again

about how outrageous the BENGHAZI! hearings are, as the Pubs try ANYTHING to dig up dirt on the probable Dem candidate for prez, BUT, everyone with a brain, which excludes the sheep, who are happily, willfully ignorant, already KNOW that. FOX, today, claims they STILL haven't answered the #1 questions about the attack, which is 'Why didn't troops deploy and save the embassy workers?' That's easy. It was over in less than 2 hours, and no one was close enough, once the word got out. Asked and answered, a BUNCH of times. But that's not what it's about, for the pathetic party that killed thousands, based on lies, and had no problem, BUT, have made a career of twisting the facts surrounding one of MANY foreign attacks that killed MANY Americans over the years.
The Benghazi investigation was never about getting to the bottom of what actually happened. It was always a dirt-digging operation, a wild search for some hint of scandal that could stop Barack Obama from being re-elected, and, when that failed, stop Hillary Clinton from succeeding him.
Nothing new here, but sickening, just the same, as the Pubs don't have time to actually govern, but have no problem voting over 55 times against Obamacare, with a prez who has veto power, and schedule unending hearings about a matter that has been 'settled' according to their own committee members. UNbelievable, but SO Republican....
"The Benghazi Committee isn't investigating a scandal. The Benghazi Committee IS the scandal." 

Sorry Joe Biden, But the Republicans ARE Our Enemies


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