Again, as I catch up on recorded Late Night TV

 I see Colbert, Kimmel, Fallon, Trevor Noah, John Oliver, etc as they ROAST the Liar in Chief, and Dotard's TOTAL stupidity, and I have the same question.
What do the FOXSheep watch for late night comedy, or are they 'early to bed', for their minimum wage jobs??
I agree, FOX is REALLY funny, but I doubt if the clueless sheep appreciate the obvious humor.
Yup, Sean Hannity is sane, and isn't a rightwingnut shill.....
RIIIIIGHT, as he preaches to those who don't give a shit about reality. Just look at late night shows, and over 90% of 'Real' news, which the sheep have decided to ignore, accepting Roger Ailes' special version of Repub reality.
Never mind, the clueless minions made their choices, and choose to ignore the 'real' news that the rest of world depends on, while swallowing the crap from Bullshit Mountain.
Bottom line, as WC Fields says, 'You can't smarten up a chump', and they ALL vote Republican, as per Roger Ailes', plan.....


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