IF you ever wondered, what a f**king liar, the Liar in Chief actually is

just listen to Dotard's quote on the news tonight, as the Liar in Chief claims 'he would have rushed in', to save the children, even if he wasn't armed'. OMG!
AND, if you believe that, you believe in Adam and Eve, Noah's Ark and the Liar in Chief's claim that he didn't sexually assault the 19 women who claim he did, after he bragged about 'Grabbing Pussy'.

Oh yeah, don't waste your time here, go directly to FOXNews, where you can get your 'news' from the Roger Ailes (Chief Repub Political Strategist) version of reality, (Propaganda for the uninformed) for the low IQ Sheep who will believe ANYTHING with an (R) after it.
BTW, please give me the 'sheep' mailing list so I can sell them some 'magic beans'.
AS IF they'd know the difference.....
And you wonder how we got the Orange Clown in the White House.
C'mon FOXSheep/literal Bible believers, explain again how SMART you are, as you go to the polls, voting straight Republican.....


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